Final Reflection : I Am Growth

Dio Surandito
2 min readAug 28, 2021

It’s never easy to be a superhero

Source: YABB

Hello again, this is the last weekly reflection for the intermediate phase. It feels good to be able to reach the end of this intermediate phase of learning because there are so many new things that I have learned from here. OK, let’s go to the main menu.

As a back-end/front-end/data student, what did I know 6 weeks ago, and what do I know now?

Answers :

Previously I only knew that coding was just making an application, when the application was finished then the problem was over that was all. I’ve also used the MVC concept, but I’m just using it, I don’t know more about it.

After following the learning for the last 6 weeks I know many things such as Ruby programming language, Object-Oriented Programming, MVC, Deployment, Clean Code, SOLID Principle, Microservices, and many others.

What skills have I developed in the past 6 weeks? What skills do I need to develop now? (refer to your technical skills, English skills, and soft skills)


The skills that I managed to develop were the skills to learn new things and manage time to learn them. The skill that I need to develop now is the skill to be disciplined in exploring the material that has been studied previously and developing it.

What good habits did you learn by joining GenerasiGIGIH?


Manage study time, relearn after class, open to new things.

In percentage, measure how your learning process in GenerasiGIGIH has improved your chance to be hired or employed in your aspired field? Tell us your evidence.


the percentage is 75%, yes it’s not much because everything is new to me and I’m just learning it all so everything does need a process. The proof is that I was able to get to the final stage, which means I am a person who doesn’t give up easily in facing new things, in the work environment there are certainly lots of new things that need to be faced and resolved properly.

At the end of this technical class, are you proud of yourself? Why or Why not?


I am proud because I was able to get through it all and arrived at the final stage. I’m a persistent person so pray for me to be the one who passes to the next phase, okay :D.

